Site Change History (updated since post date)

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Location: New Hampshire, USA

Site Change History (updated since post date)

Post by admin »

For security reasons, I will no longer post detailed version updates about the site. Apparently, this information could potentially be used by hackers to exploit vulnerabilities in the site. If there are any functional changes, I will continue to post those.

Site (change History):

July 30th, 2024:
Changed hosting provider. This should increase the overall speed, reliability, and future upgrade possibilities for the site.

September, 2022:
Images to display in posts (vs attachments) are now set to resolution max of 6000x6000 pixels.

June, 2022:
Updated cookie settings to fix having to log in again if going to url without "www".

June, 2022:
Allow posts to be edited for 30 minutes after submission.

March, 2022:
Increased Private Message folder sizes to 200 messages.

October, 2020:
Some upgrades and attached images up to 6000x3000 pixels will be displayed as thumbnails in the post (instead of attachment links only).

July 14yh, 2020:
Site Logo Update

December 29th, 2018:
phpBB version 3.2.5 upgrade.

September 23, 2018:
phpBB version 3.2.3 upgrade.

July 28th, 2018:
Site now uses SSL for enhanced security. All links should now begin with "https".

July 15th, 2018:
Board Announcement v1.1.0 extension update.

Late July, 2017:
phpBB version 3.2.1 upgrade. (With 1 day of site downtime)

July, 2017:
Board Announcement v1.0.6 extension update.

May, 2017:
PHP on server upgraded to v7.1 (site should be faster now).

January, 2017:
phpBB version 3.2 upgrade, php version upgrade.

April, 2016:
phpBB version 3.1.9 upgrade.

March, 2016:
phpBB version 3.1.8 upgrade.

December, 2015:
Board Announcement extension installed.
youtube tag updated to https as default.

October, 2015:
phpBB version 3.1.6 upgrade.

August, 2015:
Major Upgrade to site with completely new style. Bringing phpBB version up to 3.1.5.

July, 2013:
More posting rank images added. Added "1 year Anniversary" logo.

March, 2013:
Maximum characters allowed in a single post increased to 8,000 (previously 6,000). Maximum file attachments allowed per post increased to 10 (previously 7). Floating search bar on right side of header turned off (I felt this was redundant as there is a search button on left side header as well as a pop on the "round button on the left". This will also leave the logo picture unobstructed.).
"Site News" and "Bookmarks" link button added to header.

February, 2013:
Favicon added. Youtube video embedding enabled.

November, 2012:
Minor Site Cosmetic changes. Schematics/Manuals download for registered members only.

September 24th, 2012:
Rank icons added.

September 24th, 2012:
100% Wind energy certification icon added to bottom of page.

August 26th, 2012:
Selectable Avatars added so you don't need to upload your own to the site (unless you want something unique).

August 14th, 2012:
First major spam bot attack. Cleaned out forums. Changed registration screening that should prevent/cut down on spam bots.

August 12th, 2012:
Image uploads wider than 1600 pixels will be link instead of displayed directly in the post (large pictures were causing excess scrolling)

August 9th, 2012:
Topic icons added.

August 6th, 2012:
Small cosmetic changes.

August 3rd, 2012:
Updated site graphics with CJ picture.

August 1st, 2012:
Site goes live.

July 2012:
Site development, design, and authoring.

Summer 2012:
Idea for CJO developed. Concept of having a Conrad Johnson specific forum.
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