Premier 12 Power Switch

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Premier 12 Power Switch

Post by goonybird »

I seem to remeber someone was after a replacement Power Switch fo a Power Amp
and CJ qouted the price of 1x Kidney

A while ago I posted about options for an Off/ On indicator light.
After much searching and proprtionate Cups of Coffee
Finally found what I wanted
The original switches did not have much information on them other than 125V 250C 3/4HP and Mexico
I have bought two of these but I will need to change the neon resistor fo UK 240V

Panel Cutout appears to match that on the Amplifier
0.83" x 1.45" 21.08mm x 36.83mm

LTIGK51-6M-BL-AM-NBL 125/250 VAC


Link to PDF ... 26_COS.pdf

It appears this is the switch used by Conrad Johnson. ... tii-series

The Non-Illuminated Black version is product ID
TIGK51-6M-BL-NBL/ON-OFF (But Check first on PDF)
Denon AVC8500H, CJ EV1 phono , CJ Premiere 17ls, Conrad Johnson Premier 12 MBs, Kef R7, R2, R50 x4, HTS 3001 x 4 HTS1001, C130ER. Denon DBT3313UD, Technics Sl1200G, Goldring Ethos, EAR MC3 MC SUT,
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Re: Premier 12 Power Switch

Post by Big Dog RJ »

Oh! Nice find there g-man. That certainly takes great effort and you've done well.

Now switch those amplifiers on, sit back and enjoy those fine tunes!
Woof! RJ
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Re: Premier 12 Power Switch

Post by admin »

Yes, definitely some nice investigation work. I really like the one with the internal lighting. That looks very nice. I wonder if they use the same manufacturer for their other units. Would be a fun mod to put the lighted power switch onto my ART monoblocks. No influence on sound but adds a little "bling"!
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Re: Premier 12 Power Switch

Post by goonybird »

Follow up.
Emailed Conrad Johnson - service
To see if they can supply 2x vishay 162k resistors for one of my premier 12's, as unobtanium in the UK
No response (twice)

How long should I expect a reply?
Denon AVC8500H, CJ EV1 phono , CJ Premiere 17ls, Conrad Johnson Premier 12 MBs, Kef R7, R2, R50 x4, HTS 3001 x 4 HTS1001, C130ER. Denon DBT3313UD, Technics Sl1200G, Goldring Ethos, EAR MC3 MC SUT,
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Re: Premier 12 Power Switch

Post by admin »

I don't think they sell any parts for repairs (other than tubes).
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Re: Premier 12 Power Switch

Post by jimbones »

I Love the idea of the power indicator. TY for sharing
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Re: Premier 12 Power Switch

Post by Wildcat »

Nice find! And given where my amp is located, having a lit power switch could help me see if I've left it on.
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Re: Premier 12 Power Switch

Post by Big Dog RJ »

goonybird wrote: Mon Jan 20, 2025 1:10 pm Follow up.
Emailed Conrad Johnson - service
To see if they can supply 2x vishay 162k resistors for one of my premier 12's, as unobtanium in the UK
No response (twice)

How long should I expect a reply?
Yes, times have certainly changed mate. Good old days (20- 30yrs ago...) no issues. Ed and LJ would send across anything you required. That model is long gone! Now, I'm aware that they'll send parts across only to their authorised dealers or the direct importer. Actually it's the importer who can request for parts, not even the dealer. This is the current business / service model that's in place for Int'l distributors/ importers.

Now, you would think that IF you're based in the US, and even closer to VA which is CJ's HQ, surely they'd be able to send across parts if owners required any... but not the case either. Especially for older gear. Only if CJ serviced & fixed your older gear then they'll source the parts to get your gear back in working order.
Sending parts for older gear, I don't think they'll attend to that.

Then there's this premise, with newer gear (latest and greatest) JF may send directly to the owner if the owner personally reached out to JF. And that being the transaction previously done by JF and the customer, hence no middle-man, no dealer or importer. Why I bring this point up is because JF has in fact been dealing with customers directly. Again, he's the new boss man, so I guess he decides how things go.

Considering that you're based overseas (outside of the US), your main UK importer is Audio Freaks (our best mate Branko!) If you got in touch with them first and requested such parts, maybe AF Branko just might be willing to oblige, since you're paying for it, and AF will charge a small margin, so in general it's not a loss to them. However, according to one of our valued CJO members (who doesn't post anymore) had a very very bad experience with AF Branko. So that ended an absolute dead-end! Utter shame those amplifiers weren't attended to, and these were top of the line! (ARTsa and ET7S2), not even vintage.

Considering the type of gear you have, the parts you're after and the situation of being overseas, I reckon you should try to source these parts or alternatives from other reputed suppliers. Unless of course, you were to ship your amplifiers all the way to CJ HQ. I really don't see any other way. Perhaps others may have better ideas, don't know.

See how you go and keep us posted on the find.
Cheers, RJ
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Re: Premier 12 Power Switch

Post by goonybird »

I am ok at replacing the resistors, but even though they are current can't find them Will try Audio Freaks...
Denon AVC8500H, CJ EV1 phono , CJ Premiere 17ls, Conrad Johnson Premier 12 MBs, Kef R7, R2, R50 x4, HTS 3001 x 4 HTS1001, C130ER. Denon DBT3313UD, Technics Sl1200G, Goldring Ethos, EAR MC3 MC SUT,
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Re: Premier 12 Power Switch

Post by Wildcat »

For resistors, you may have to make do with piggybacking a pair in series or parallel to get the desired value.

It's also a shame that, as RJ points out, they are not as customer-friendly as they used to be. Although I do understand it to a point, since they could either be selling to a repair facility or knowledgeable person who knows what they are doing, or some hack hobbyist at home who can barely make a clean solder joint. And if that repair failed, the hobbyist would go straight back to CJ to complain about the parts being "bad."

And if you think of it, how many other current manufacturers will send out parts to customers?

What bothered me in 2021 about CJ is that I inquired about having my amp fixed and got back a reply that implied they would rather do a Teflon cap upgrade. That's where Bill Thalmann took care of me (and why he will be missed).
C-J PV-14L/C-J Premier 11A/Martin Logan Spires/PS Audio DirectStream Jr./PS Audio AirLens
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Re: Premier 12 Power Switch

Post by goonybird »

Had email response now, but no stock available.
Waiting for Branko at Audio Freaks to see if they have any.
Denon AVC8500H, CJ EV1 phono , CJ Premiere 17ls, Conrad Johnson Premier 12 MBs, Kef R7, R2, R50 x4, HTS 3001 x 4 HTS1001, C130ER. Denon DBT3313UD, Technics Sl1200G, Goldring Ethos, EAR MC3 MC SUT,
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Re: Premier 12 Power Switch

Post by goonybird »

Back to the Power Switch. Arrived promptly from the States.
There are two types one with 125V set Neon and One 250V No one knows.
So only optio is take one apart. found neon inline with a 47K resistor. Thats what would be expected on 120V
So wired up to test and worked ifa little bright (and wont last as long)
For uk there are variables but 130k seems quite common. So popped a 82K resitor in series with the 47K (129K total)
Less bright but looks about what I would expect form a Neon
Next step is fit them...If I remenber I will take progress pictures.
Denon AVC8500H, CJ EV1 phono , CJ Premiere 17ls, Conrad Johnson Premier 12 MBs, Kef R7, R2, R50 x4, HTS 3001 x 4 HTS1001, C130ER. Denon DBT3313UD, Technics Sl1200G, Goldring Ethos, EAR MC3 MC SUT,
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Re: Premier 12 Power Switch

Post by admin »

Cool. Would definitely like to see some pictures, especially of the finished build.
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Re: Premier 12 Power Switch

Post by goonybird »

Picture of testing switch

Denon AVC8500H, CJ EV1 phono , CJ Premiere 17ls, Conrad Johnson Premier 12 MBs, Kef R7, R2, R50 x4, HTS 3001 x 4 HTS1001, C130ER. Denon DBT3313UD, Technics Sl1200G, Goldring Ethos, EAR MC3 MC SUT,
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Re: Premier 12 Power Switch

Post by goonybird »

Ok when I started this I wasn't expecting to be so involved.
But it now works and will do the other amp.
Ist piccies of completed amp switch. second shows visiblity of amp switched on. Does the job.



Pic of New Switch Left next to existing Switch Right
Which posed 1st Problem. CJ have used a DPST switch but only on the live side (black) which means no neutral supply (white) for Neon to Work
I stand corrected but I always thought AC should be switched on both sides (L&N) for safety?



Disconnected Neutral (white) from input board and extended wire to and from the switch.


Finally plugged in Switch. Two things , Replace the suppressor capacitor as these tend to go up in smoke when old. Suppressor capacitors were then removed as leaked enough to light the neon dimly when switch was of... Might experiment with other types of safety capacitor. But does it need it on a tube amp as no switch on thump on or off. This shows the 82K extra capacitor fo UK and yesterday had email from Carling UK which specifies the the US switch is 47K resisitor for 125V and 150K resistor for UK 240V so now refitted with 100k resistors.

Denon AVC8500H, CJ EV1 phono , CJ Premiere 17ls, Conrad Johnson Premier 12 MBs, Kef R7, R2, R50 x4, HTS 3001 x 4 HTS1001, C130ER. Denon DBT3313UD, Technics Sl1200G, Goldring Ethos, EAR MC3 MC SUT,
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Re: Premier 12 Power Switch

Post by admin »

Very nice. Congrats. Really like the light on the switch, what a great mod.
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Re: Premier 12 Power Switch

Post by Joe Appierto »

Ditto on how nice it looks with the new switch. As someone whose abilities don't go beyond opening a can of tuna fish, I have a great deal of admiration for those who can do these types of things. Respect.
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Re: Premier 12 Power Switch

Post by Big Dog RJ »

Oh, nice one mate! Really well done.
Careful planning, thought process and great execution... yes such mods can be done on any gear. Especially, on very simple tube circuits, being the Classic tube circuit that CJ adopted, once the mod is well planned out and done properly, it can lead to marvellous things.

**Note** of course such mods are always done well after warranty, and obviously with the consent of the owner. By a very trusted and highly skilled techie. In your case, your the man!

Good stuff matey, now sit back and enjoy those finest tunes!
Really great to see the Prem12's still glowing away in full glory, really tops! Beautiful amplifiers, a beautiful sound.

That deserves a mighty WOOF!
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