Frank Zappa Overnite Sensation remastered

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Frank Zappa Overnite Sensation remastered

Post by goonybird »

Just received Frank Zappa .Overnite Sensation
Remastered on 2x discs 180g vinyl to play at 45rpm
Remastering from the original analogue tapes.

How does it sound - try it?
To me very 3d sound with all the detail.
Bass is a bit “plummy”
but after disappointing results from some remastered 180g lps due to using a digital master recording. This is a breath of fresh air. 8-)
Denon AVC8500H, CJ EV1 phono , CJ Premiere 17ls, Conrad Johnson Premier 12 MBs, Kef Ref 203,202c,204ds, HTS2001 x6, HTS1001, C130ER. Denon DBT3313UD, Technics Sl1200G, Goldring Ethos, EAR MC3 MC SUT,
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